Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Why It Works: A ground avocado pit is abrasive enough to break down calluses, while the fruit’s rich flesh contains essential oils that nourish skin.

 You’ve Been Warned: This recipe takes time to prepare, but the results are worth it.

 What You’ll Need:

  • - 2 avocados (one for pit, and one ripe one for fruit)
  • - 1/4 cup cornmeal
  • - 1 tbsp sea salt

 What to Do: Dry out an avocado pit for a few days, then break it into several pieces with a hammer or cooking mallet. In a spice mill, coffee grinder or food processor, grind down the pit to make a gritty meal.

Scoop out second avocado and place skin aside. Mash the avocado fruit with the cornmeal, 1/4 cup of ground avocado pit and sea salt.

Gently massage the mixture into your feet in a circular motion, starting with the toes and working up to the ankles. Rinse with warm water.

Finally, take the inside of the avocado skin and rub the heel and any other callused areas. Your skin will look green at first (don’t worry, it won’t stain). Keep massaging for five to 10 minutes or until it no longer feels abrasive. Do not rinse off until your next shower.

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